• Cop drive against buses blocking crossings
    Times of India | 6 January 2024
  • Kolkata: Cops have started a special drive and scaled up its “no-parking” campaign across the city — especially in Maidan and Esplanade — to ensure that all buses stop only at designated stops and don’t block crossings. Across three guards between Alipore and Esplanade, the traffic cops have prosecuted around 42 buses for blocking crossings.

    Parking stickers have been issued for short termination and parking in the Maidan.The South Traffic Guard has prosecuted around a dozen buses so far in this month for parking illegally in the Maidan area or short terminating their routes.

    Another 31 buses were prosecuted on Mayo Road in the past week for short terminating their routes or excessively delaying moving out of the CBD area. tnn
  • Link to this news (Times of India)