West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday slammed the Railway Ministry after the Kolkata Metro, which it manages, sought to demolish the skywalk to the Dakshineswar Temple for expansion purposes.
Strongly opposing the idea, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo challenged the Centre and said, “Let the Metro Railway make a relocation plan. It is saying that the skywalk must be demolished! I will not allow the demolition of the Dakshineswar skywalk till the last drop of my blood remains. It is like a jewel in my heart. I do not celebrate Durga Puja by saying big things about Dharmasthan. Meanwhile, Durga Puja got the heritage tag.”
She went on, “Our job is to develop infrastructure. It is not our job to establish the project. When I was the railway minister, there was no East-West Metro. Dakshineswar, Noapara, Joka-Taratla were all done by me. It has been 15 years since 2009. A little bit of development was done. They (Centre) are doing small work and putting pictures. I left the money. Every Metro project was done by me.”
Mamata added, “They have also sought land in Alipore’s Bodyguard Lines for Metro work. I won’t let it happen.”
Attacking the BJP-led central government, she said, “I made the station based on the structure of the Kamakshya Temple, Tarapeeth, Dakshineswar temple… I made anti-collision devices. If you touch Dakshineswar, you have to remember Vivekananda… If someone says a mosque has to be demolished, will I demolish it? The Centre and defence forces have the most land in India. I understand the Government of India well.”