Sadhus from various Hindu organisations on Tuesday met West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose and handed over a memorandum expressing “grave anxiety” over the January 13 incident in which three sadhus from Uttar Pradesh, who were heading to Gangasagar Mela, were beaten up in Kashipur in Purulia district.
The Governor, according to officials in Raj Bhavan, assured the sadhus of swift action. Till now, West Bengal Police have arrested 12 people in connection with the incident.
Sources in Raj Bhavan said that the Governor may constitute a fact-finding committee headed by a former Chief Justice of a High Court. “Three names are under consideration of the Governor,” a source in the Raj Bhavan said.
The attack on the sadhus – the video of the incident went viral – prompted the Opposition BJP to lash out at the ruling Trinamool Congress in the state.
According to sources, the three sadhus, residents of Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, were asking for food during a stopover when rumours spread that they were trying to abduct minor girls.
This “misunderstanding”, police said, prompted local residents to attack the three sadhus, vandalise their car, and also assault a driver and a cook accompanying them.