• Injured zoo visitor released from hosp
    Times of India | 19 January 2024
  • Kolkata: A 27-year-old youth who sustained severe head injury after a tree fell on him during a visit to the Alipore zoo on January 10 was discharged from IPGMER late on Wednesday.

    Moidul Islam Mollah from Rabindra Nagar was taken to IPGMER’s Trauma Care Centre (TCC) on Jan 10 after a branch of a ‘dead’ tree fell on him. Doctors found the head injury had caused extradural haemorrhage, convulsions and skull fracture. He was put in the red zone due to severe injury.

    “The patient was put under a neurosurgical intervention to ease the pressure on the brain. This type of bleeding is dangerous and, if not intervened on time, there can be various complications,” said critical care medicine physician Rajat Choudhury, the TCC chief.

    The neurosurgical procedure was done within four hours of arrival to the hospital and the TCC team could put him off the ventilation the next day. Though the procedure went well, Mollah remained under intense monitoring for the next few days.

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