The BJP on Saturday said it had to cancel a music festival in the city after not getting permission from the police. The party had planned to organise ‘Bongo Sangeet Utsav’ (Bengal Music Festival) at Prinsep Ghat to counter a recent music festival ‘Gaan Mela’ which was organised by the West Bengal government.
The event was scheduled to be held under the banner of ‘Cultural and Literary Forum of Bengal’. However, the police denied permission to hold the event. There was no official word from the police about why permission was denied.
The BJP, meanwhile, targeted the state government for not even allowing the party to hold cultural programmes. “Here in West Bengal, only Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her “select few” artistes will hold such programmes. Only those who will be selected by the state government will get the opportunity to sing in state-sponsored events. There is no place for others. There is also no space for the Opposition to honour artists who do not get invited in such programmes,” said Leader of the Opposition in the West Bengal Assembly Suvendu Adhikari.
The Trinamool Congress, meanwhile, said that the police probably denied permission as Gangasagar fair is going on near the venue. “Maybe the police could not give permission as Gangasagar Mela is being held near Prinsep Ghat. It is an administrative matter. Now BJP leaders need to entertain their workers by taking the stage. Their leaders are talented. Therefore, they must keep the show on,” said TMC state general secretary Kunal Ghosh.