West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday embarked on a symbolic journey of religious harmony, while leading an all-faith rally that included visits to diverse places of worship, such as a temple, mosque, church, and gurdwara, aligning with the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple in Ayodhya earlier in the day.
Accompanied by religious leaders from various faiths and key party members, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo initiated the ‘Sanghati March’ from Hazra More in the metropolis.
Notable among the attendees was her nephew and TMC national general secretary, Abhishek. Prior to commencing the rally, Banerjee commenced the day by offering prayers at the iconic Kalighat temple in south Kolkata, seeking blessings from Goddess Kali.
The all-faith harmony rally then set off from Hazra More, heading towards Park Circus Maidan. The procession, slated to culminate at Park Circus Maidan with a grand assembly, saw Banerjee donned in her characteristic white and blue-bordered cotton sari, with a shawl draped around her neck. Along the route, she warmly greeted the gathered crowd and onlookers with folded hands.
During the journey, Banerjee continued her inclusive approach by offering prayers at a gurdwara, a church, and a mosque in proximity to Park Circus Maidan, the diverse religious interactions aimed at fostering communal harmony in the city.
The TMC, expressing solidarity with Banerjee’s initiative, tweeted, “Smt. @MamataOfficial kickstarted the Sanhati Rally from Hazra Park. As thousands of people join this rally uniting all communities, the message ‘Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava’ resonates across the city! The secular thread of our nation that binds us all remains stronger than ever!. TMC supporters, carrying party flags and national flags, enthusiastically shouted slogans in support of Banerjee and the rally as it progressed.