West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Tuesday hit out at the BJP government at the Centre for not keeping its promise of investigating the disappearance of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, saying it’s a shame for the nation that even after so many years, people don’t know what happened to him or the date of his death.
“Before coming to power, they (BJP) said that they would investigate the cause of Netaji’s disappearance but forgot after that… They have been in power for a long time. But the reason behind Netaji’s disappearance is still unknown,” said the chief minister after paying tribute to the freedom fighter on his 127th birth anniversary at a function held at Kolkata’s Red Road on Tuesday.
“It’s a misfortune of our country that even after so many years we do not know the day of death of the man who fought for Independence, and showed the direction to the country. We do not know what happened to him. It’s a shame,” she added.
In an apparent reference to the Centre declaring a half-day holiday in central government offices for Ram temple’s consecration ceremony on Monday, Banerjee said these days, holidays are declared for political advertisements, and nothing is announced for those who gave up their lives fighting for the country’s freedom.
“For the past 20 years, I have been trying to make Netaji’s birth anniversary a national holiday but failed. Please forgive me,” she said.
Describing Netaji, the founder of Azad Hind Fauj, as a leader who took people of all religions along, the TMC chief said: “A leader should be the one who keeps Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists on his or her side.”
“Netaji taught us to stand tall. Mahatma Gandhiji called him ‘Deshanayak’ (the hero of the nation) because he took everyone along with him. But where are such leaders today? There has been no leader like Netaji,” she added.
“Some said that they will send (Netaji’s) ashes. I told them that I will not take the ashes. I want Netaji to be alive… Netaji is a sentiment of the nation. So today, on this birthday I say again and again: ‘Come back again… and bless us so that we can continue on your path’,” the chief minister said.