Three members of a family were found dead in their house in West Bengal’s Hooghly district on Monday in a purported case of murder-suicide. While the charred bodies of a woman and her daughter were found in one part of the house located in Champadanga, the son appeared to have died by suicide. The Tarkeshwar police have launched an investigation.
Officers identified the deceased as Bijli Maiti, 54, her daughter Sujata Maiti, 31, and son Shubham Maiti, 29, residents of the Biswaspara area in Champadanga village panchayat. The family was reportedly under stress due to financial burdens.
According to sources in the locality and family, there was no activity in the house since Monday morning even as neighbours noticed a burning smell and alerted relatives. The door was soon opened by force and the bodies of the two women were found lying on the floor, fully burnt.
A police officer said, “The cause of the tragic deaths remains unclear. It is being investigated,” adding that the bodies have been sent for autopsy.
Prima facie, investigators have concluded that Shubham first set his mother and sister on fire before dying by suicide. Officers are investigating whether a family dispute or some other reason led to the incident.
Prabhat Chattopadhyay, deputy head of Champadanga village panchayat, said, “The real cause is not clear. The police are investigating. The girl was unmarried, while Shubham worked in a private company.”
Recently, a similar incident was reported at Garia in Kolkata where a man died by suicide after murdering his parents. The incident was the fallout of financial issues.