• Cabby beats up mountaineer after extortion bid at Howrah station
    Times of India | 24 January 2024
  • KOLKATA: An app-cab driver outside Howrah station roughed up a celebrated mountaineer on Tuesday morning following an extortion bid to arm-twist him to pay four times the original parking fee. Police started a probe after the mountaineer lodged a complaint with Golabari PS.

    "It was around 5.20 am and I came out of Howrah station to book an app-cab. The driver - Guddu Mahato, who called me up after accepting the booking, said he was waiting at the parking lot 3. When I tried to enter the car he handed over a slip of Rs 285 to me towards parking charges," said Satyarup Siddhanta.

    "The parking fee is factored in the Uber fare at the Howrah station. Demanding money itself was illegal. Moreover, they demanded much more than the stipulated amount," Siddhanta said. After he refused to pay the extra amount, Mahato allegedly picked up a quarrel with him and started to force him to pay the amount. "Three more people at the parking zone joined him and surrounded me. There was no other passenger in sight and they started to shove me," Siddhanta recounted. As he continued to refuse the demand for an excess amount, they roughed him up and threatened him with dire consequences if he got into the car without paying the money.

    As the situation was getting out of control, Siddhanta decided not to take the ride. He came out of the area after the driver cancelled the request. He called up the Uber helpline number for help and was given another number of railway police control. Finally, he took a yellow cab and went to Golabari PS to lodge a complaint.

    "The parking fee is included in the Uber fare for trips at Howrah station complex. Following the incident, we have removed the driver's access to the app, reversed the rider's cancellation fee and we stand ready to assist law enforcement authorities," an Uber spokesperson said.

    According to Howrah (City) police, they have received the complaint and started the probe. Siddhanta has been asked to appear at the PS again on Wednesday. "There should be a board at the parking lot displaying the parking fee. There should also be a helpline as this is not an isolated incident. The Railways should also look into such cases as the third party collecting parking fee is appointed by them," said Arindam Das, Siddhanta's lawyer.

    "The stipulated fee at Howrah station is Rs 71 for two hours and any amount demanded beyond that towards the same is illegal," said a Howrah police officer. Arnab Biswas, DC (traffic) of Howrah City Police, said, "While the Railways has leased out parking space to a third party, we look after the law and order. We probe such cases after getting complaints. Necessary action is taken after identification of the offender," he said.

    Anupam Singh, DC (north) Howrah City Police, said there are CCTVs in the area. "We will go through the footage. We will take steps accordingly," he said.

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