The BJP on Thursday alleged that the Kolkata police stopped its workers from holding live screenings of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Namo Nav Matdata Sammelan’ in several places across the city. The police dismantled makeshift stages at Entally, Jorasanko and Shyambazar areas in north Kolkata, saying such programmes would hinder traffic movement in the area, the BJP said.
There was no response from the police over this development.
On the occasion of National Voters’ Day on Thursday, the BJP has organised Namo Nav Matdata Sammelans across the country where PM Modi will virtually interact with first-time voters in more than 5,000 locations.
“We had sought permission from the police to hold a live screening of the PM’s programme. The police did not give permission. At the same time, it also did not deny us permission. At the last moment, they stopped our programmes and even dismantled the stages in various places. We strongly condemn the police action as they have been reduced to TMC [Trinamool Congress] party cadre in West Bengal,” BJP’s North Kolkata district president Tamoghna Ghosh said.
“In the Entally area, the police first asked us to change the venue as it might lead to traffic snarls. We changed the venue as per their request. Now, the police stopped the live screening at the last moment. In Bengal, the Opposition does not have the right to hold party programmes and even programmes of the Prime Minister,” Suraj Kumar Singh, the BJP’s North Kolkata Yuva Morcha president, said.