West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said that her government will be introducing a new “law” to provide jobs to sportpersons hailing from the state. Speaking during a programme to give away the Khelashree and Shaurya awards at the Dhono Dhanyo auditorium in Kolkata, the chief minister said the provision will be made under the Khelashree scheme.
“If any of the awardees are willing to take up a job, they can hand over the biodata to Aroop Biswas. Sportsperons who want to make a career will get jobs under a special system. We will make a new law, we will bring you the job through it,” she said. State Minister Aroop Biswas holds the youth services and holds portfolios.
“I have already asked the Chief Secretary to prepare the papers, so you are always welcome. You all are into sports which means you are fitter than the rest of us. If you enter the police service, I am sure you will do a great job. So, usually if one requires 18 months of training (to get into police service), sportspersons may get employed after a month’s training, depending on their eligibility.”
“I will ask Aroop to set up a help desk, where sportspersons can go and submit their biodata without being harassed,” she added. She also directed Biswas to ensure that everything is done “within the system” and that it’s a seamless process.
During the programme, 322 sportspersons were honoured and the government gave over Rs 6 crore in prize money, the CM said. She also feted Special Task Force officers of the West Bengal police.