• Documentary turns lens on agonies of two transmen, their parents
    Times of India | 29 January 2024
  • Kolkata: The untold story of trials and tribulations in the lives of two transmen and their family members forms the crux of Debalina’s “Beyond the Blues” screened on Sunday at the 10th Kolkata People’s Film Festival. What makes this documentary unique even in the space of films made on queer issues is the director’s empathic gaze towards parents. Instead of painting them only as villains, this documentary tries to understand their agony, making them realize where and how they can still make amends.

    It took 12 years for Debalina to make this documentary with music by Anindya Sundar Chakraborti.Edited by Swarnava Chakraborty, Sankha is the consultant editor. “Being part of the community, I had access to Neel and Shyam. Both come from two different generations. The stories about the violence towards the community have already been highlighted. I felt it is important to touch upon other issues that remain untold. One such is the narrative of a transman. This narrative has been completely left invisible in the public domain,” she said.

    The documentary traces the journey of Neel’s metamorphosis “from an Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB) person to a feminist non-masculinist transman”. In the process, it breaks the stereotype of masculinity. Instead, Neel emerges as a transman who remains connected to his feminine side while he teases his kitten and shows off his collection of colourful erasers. By the time the documentary ends, Neel has already metamorphosed from being a reticent person to an individual who is confident enough to voice his urge to break heteronormative gender roles, challenge transnormative stereotypes and yet admit that the continuous battles of life have left him tired.

    The story of Neel’s partner Suto is as interesting as that of Srabasti and Nilanjan, parents of transman Shyam. Debalina’s camera gives an insight into how Nilanjan has come a long way from being someone who once believed the queer community could be cured if the members were made to stand in front of a bullet. Today, he is ready to handhold other parents who are also struggling to come to terms with parenting issues. They need a reference point to understand, the docu suggests.

    Archival footage from the Kolkata Rainbow Pride Walk, interviews of activist Koyel Ghosh and psychiatrist Ranjita Biswas add layers. The director consciously avoids the term “a film by Debalina”. “A film is a collaborative work. I never use the line ‘a film by Debalina’. Instead I say I am the director and the cameraperson of the film. Without the contribution of my team and members of Sappho for Equality, it wouldn’t have been possible to do the kind of films I do,” she said.

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