• Mysterious star “old smokers” discovered in Milky Way
    আজকাল | ৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪
  • Astronomers on Friday have revealed that they have discovered a new type of mysterious star – called “old smokers” hiding in the heart of Milky Way in their 10-year long research. The newly discovered are not new and are near the end of their lives, according to the astronomers.During their survey, scientists were not looking for such old stars, but used VISTA telescope in Chile to look for newborn stars or protostars.As they discovered 32 newborn stars, which the researchers described as the “largest number anyone has ever found before in one batch, a far more interesting discovery of “old smokers” grabbed their attention that was packed in a densely packed and metal-rich region at the centre of the Milky Way called the Nuclear Stellar Disc.Astronomers said that this is the first time such a star has been found in the solar system that is filled with about a billion stars and are not visible to the naked eye. 
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