About 9.23 lakh students will appear in the Class 10 state board Madhyamik examination across 2,675 centres across West Bengal on Friday.
The first day of the exam will cover first-language papers such as Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Modern Tibetan, Nepali, Odia, Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Telugu, Tamil, Urdu and Santhali.
The exam, conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE), will end on February 12.
Students appearing in the Madhyamik Exam 2024 are required to carry their admit cards to the examination centre. It is mandatory to cross-check all the instructions on the admit card and report to the examination hall as per the mentioned timings. Every examination centre will have CCTV cameras. Examinees are not allowed to carry cell phones and wristwatches.
The WBBSE has introduced helpline numbers for candidates in case candidates face any issues during the exam.
The state government has also directed the education board to set up control rooms at the district and block levels following a directive from the Calcutta High Court. The court has specifically instructed district magistrates and block development officers to monitor these control rooms. The directive from the court came in response to a petition which challenged the change in exam timings.
The state government has made special transport arrangements, including more buses for examinees.
About 6,98,724 candidates appeared in the Madhyamik examinations last year.