West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee who began her two-day Dharna in Kolkata on Friday demanding the alleged funds blocked by the Centre, in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi termed the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report on government funds usage as ‘erroneous’ and ‘made without application of due diligence. The CM has sought the PM’s intervention into the matter seeking the release of funds for Bengal.
Recently, Bengal BJP leaders highlighted the CAG report and targeted the state government alleging a scam of Rs 2 lakh crore.
Dismissing the CAG report, Ms Banerjee in her letter stated, “In the state Finance Audit Report for 2021 to 2022 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG), it has been reported that there is a delay in the submission of Utilisation Certificates of Rupees 2,29,099 crores since 2002-03 to 2020-21… However, on scrutiny of the observations of the C&AG, it is found that the concerned Department of the State Government had submitted Utilisation Certificates on time to the respective Ministries of the Government of India in the prescribed format against the allocation/ sanctions made under different schemes by the Government of India.”
It further added, “You are well aware that only on being satisfied with these Utilisation Certificates, subsequent allocations are made by the Government of India from time to time under various schemes. The sanction orders issued by various Ministries of the Government of India clearly stated that “there are no pending Utilisation Certificates of the preceding period”.
“Hence, it is really shocking to note that the high office of a reputed Constitutional institution like the C&AG could make such observations which are incorrect and have been made without applications of due diligence and examination of the procedure for submission of Utilisation Certificates as per Government of India guidelines. Submission of UCs may be verified from the concerned Ministries of the Government of India from the different schemes and, if you so wish, I can send copies of all UCs to the Prime Minister’s office for your kind perusal,” Banerjee wrote.
Highlighting the time period mentioned in the report, from 2002-03 to 2020-21, Mamata Banerjee raised her concern about why the issue was not raised in the last 20 years. “You would appreciate that such erroneous reports give a misleading picture and are unfortunately being used by some people for false propaganda against the State administrative machinery. Further, the audit report seems to be covering the period from 2002-03 to 2020-21. However, the C&AG Audit is conducted every year and it is not clear as to why this was not raised over the last almost 20 years,” the letter read.
The Bengal CM highlighted that the issue relating to UCs was not raised even during the meetings of the state and central secretaries in Delhi on December 20 last year. “You may kindly recall that during our meeting on 20th December, 2023, it was decided that the Secretary level meeting between Government of India and State Government officers will be held to sort out issues regarding payment of outstanding dues to the Government of West Bengal. Accordingly, the meeting of Secretaries in New Delhi took place on 20.01.2024 where all the issues were discussed and resolved and the issues relating to Utilisation Certificates were not even raised by officers from the Government of India in the meeting,” Banerjee wrote.
Banerjee, through her letter, appealed to PM Modi for his intervention in the matter. “Considering the seriousness and gravity of this matter, I would request your kind intervention and ensure that the funds legitimately due to the State of West Bengal, are immediately released in the interest of the poor people of the State. The State should not be deprived of its share of funds due to such unfounded and false premises,” she wrote. “I sincerely hope that the Government of India should no longer use one pretext after another to avoid and stop release of funds to the State.” The letter added.