West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday said the state will transfer the due wages of 21 lakh MGNREGA workers by February 21. She made the announcement on the second day of her dharna in Kolkata against the Union government ‘over pending dues on account of various welfare schemes’.
She said, “I have to run my family. Within the limitation; we are running Lashmir Bhandar, Kanyashree, and other social welfare schemes. We are running 67 social welfare schemes that no other government runs. But, despite our limitations, I am saying I will give the pending wages of 21 lakh MGNREGA workers by February 21. I will give Abas Yojna’s pending money as well. Please believe me. When I promise, I fulfill.”
Both the BJP and the CPI(M) criticised Banerjee. BJP leader Dilip Ghosh said, “She should give the pending DAs of government employees… The Central government stopped the… money for the state government’s corruption.”
CPI(M) leader Sujan Chakraborty said, “Mamata Banerjee said they have no money. If they have no money, how did the chief minister announce that she will transfer the money to MGNREGA workers? They looted the money. Now, before the election, they are doing politics.”