Even as West Bengal’s fiscal deficit increased to Rs 68,250 crore in the 2024-25 Budget, an increase of nearly 37% from 2022-23 when the fiscal deficit was Rs 49,966 crore, the TMC government in the state on Thursday announced new welfare schemes and hiked incentives of existing schemes to benefit women, youth and different sections of the society.
The monthly allowance under Lakshmir Bhandar, a financial assistance scheme for women, has been increased from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 monthly for the general category, and Rs 1,000 to Rs 1200 for the SCs/ST communities. This would mean that the government has to allot an additional Rs 12,000 crore in the Budget.
“2.11 crore women are now getting financial benefits from the Lakshmir Bhandar scheme. It’s a pioneering effort of the state government in providing a universal basic income for women and has covered 1.98 crore beneficiaries, with the scheme’s expenditure so far being Rs. 10,101.87 crore in 2023-24… The enhanced financial assistance shall be extended through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from April 2024, which they shall receive in the beginning of May 2024,” state Finance Minister Chandrima Bhattacharya said in her Budget speech.
The state government also announced a new scheme– Samudra Sathi — to extend financial assistance of R. 5,000 per month for two months to each registered fishermen of three coastal districts of Purba Medinipur, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas. This scheme will benefit nearly 2 lakh fishermen and the government has allocated Rs 200 crore for it.
The government also announced a new scheme for artisans, including traditional crafts and trades. The West Bengal Artisans Financial Benefit Scheme 2024, the Finance Minister said, would provide a one-time grant of up to Rs 15,000 to individual artisans and up to Rs 10 lakh for a group of artisans under an industrial cooperative society. “On the death of a registered artisan and weaver in the age group of 18-60 years, either due to natural reasons or by accident, the dependent family members shall receive a one-time grant of Rs 2 lakh,” the minister announced. A sum of Rs 60 crore has been allocated for the scheme.
The government also announced a new scheme for handloom and Khadi weavers — West Bengal Handloom and Khadi Weavers Financial Benefit Scheme 2024. Under the scheme, financial support for one-time settlement of NPA accounts of primary weaver cooperative societies will be given and working capital assistance will be provided to societies and individual weavers, besides supply of subsidised yarn. While Rs 500 crore has been allocated for the scheme, the minister said it would benefit 4 lakh weavers.
The government also increased the monthly honorarium of 2.30 lakh cook-cum-helpers who provide cooked mid-day meal to students across the government schools in the state. At present, they get Rs 1,000 per month for 10 months in a year. Now they will get Rs 1,500 per month, the Finance Minister announced.
This will cost the government another Rs 140 crore.
The government also launched a new apprentice scheme for youth. Under the scheme, the government will support the training of youth (18-40 years age group) in industries. Youth who passed out of Vocational Training Centres, Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), and polytechnics would be eligible for the scheme after registering themselves under the scheme.
The trainees will be provided an additional monthly stipend in the range of Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,500 per month as per the training programmes. “This will benefit 1 lakh youth every year,” Bhattacharya said while allocating Rs 200 crore for the scheme.
The government also extended the extension of the Swasthya Sathi Scheme for migrant workers residing outside of West Bengal and registered on the Karmasathi Parijayee Shramik Portal. “An allocation of Rs 150 crore has been made for this purpose,” said the Finance Minister, adding over 28 lakh migrant workers will benefit.