A full bench of the Election Commission of India, led by chief Rajiv Kumar, will visit Kolkata on March 4 to assess the preparations for the Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal, officials said. This will be the first visit of the ECI full bench to the state ahead of 2024 Lok Sabha elections, which is expected to take place in April and May.
Chief Election Commissioner Kumar and his team who are on a three-day visit to the state will hold meetings with recognised political parties on March 5. The ECI will also hold talks with the district magistrates and police superintendents.
West Bengal’s Chief Electoral Officer Aariz Aftab has been asked to prepare certain protocol arrangements for the full bench.
“The full bench will reach Kolkata on the evening of March 4. On March 6, the full bench will hold meetings with the state CEO, the nodal officer of the state police and the nodal officer of the central paramilitary force. It will hold meetings with the enforcement agencies and lastly with the state chief secretary and the Director General of Police,” said an official.
The General Elections for the 17th Lok Sabha was held in 2019, marking a landslide victory for the BJP-led NDA that won 353 of the 543 seats.