Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday targeted the Opposition for stopping her government from offering jobs to the youths of Bengal. Addressing a government programme at Arambagh in Hooghly district, Banerjee claimed that nearly five lakh vacant posts in various departments will be filled soon.
According to her, the vacant posts include one lakh teaching posts, 60,000 posts in police department and others in departments of fire brigade, panchayat and health.
“Whenever we announce fresh recruitments, some political leaders move courts to stop the process. They are filing petitions against such recruitments. Some BJP, CPIM and Congress leaders are doing this. They don’t want Bengal youths to get jobs,” said Banerjee.
The Chief Minister further claimed that efforts are on to malign her government over false corruption charges.
“No state or country in the world can compete with us in terms of development. This is because, despite Delhi’s best attempts to deprive us by putting an economic blockade, we have managed to bring in welfare schemes for our people. We have been doing so much for the benefit of the people, but still efforts are on to malign us on fake corruption charges,” she said.
The TMC supremo once again slammed the BJP-led central government, alleging an attempt to financially starve the state by withholding the state’s dues amounting to Rs 1.18 lakh crore.