Days after Union Minister Smriti Irani alleged “Hindu women were being raped” in violence-hit Sandeshkhali, the rulIng TMC on Wednesday said the National Commission for Women and the state panel did not receive any complaints of “molestation or rape” from local women during their inquiry. The TMC also slammed the BJP-led Centre following the death of four children after a mound of soil caved in during drainage expansion by the BSF in Uttar Dinajpur’s Chopra.
The BJP, meanwhile, called West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee a “mute spectator” to violence against women in the state.
Speaking at a a press conference in Kolkata, TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said, “Not only the West Bengal Commission for Women but also the National Commission for Women have not found anyone who has complained of molestation or rape in Sandeshkhali.”
“If it (incidents of rape or molestation) really happened and women were afraid to say anything for so long, then my question is why was the Opposition silent? If there is any violence against women, the administration will take appropriate action. From what has emerged so far, all allegations are against some local people over someone grabbing someone’s land or other disputes. There is no grudge against the state administration,” said Ghosh.
Responding to the BJP’s charge that “jungle raj” prevailed in West Bengal, the TMC spokesperson alleged that it was in “double engine states” that such a situation prevails.
West Bengal Minister and senior TMC leader Shashi Panja said Irani and BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia should be booked over their recent remarks against the state government. “Smriti Irani sits beside a rapist like Brij Bhusan Sharan Singh and talks about Sandeshkhali. Where was she during the Manipur episode. Who all resigned then?” asked Panja.
Meanwhile BJP national spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia claimed there is “complete anarchy and lawlessness” in Bengal under the TMC rule with Banerjee allegedly providing protection to her party goons who allegedly raped and exploited tribal women in Sandeshkhali.
Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, he said, “There is jungle raj in West Bengal. Our sisters who belong to the scheduled tribes are being raped and assaulted by the TMC goons and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is a mute spectator.”
— With PTI inputs