West Bengal BJP president Sukanta Majumdar was admitted to a hospital in Kolkata on Wednesday after he fell from the bonnet of a van during a scuffle with police at Taki in North 24 Parganas district. Majumdar, accompanied by other BJP leaders , was on way to Sandeshkhali when the incident took place.
After he fell unconscious, the Balurghat MP was taken to a hospital in Basirhat where he was put on oxygen support. He was later shifted to a private hospital in Kolkata where he has been kept in the ICU of the neurology department, sources said. His condition is said to be stable.
According to police, the BJP procession, led by Majumdar, was stopped at Taki since prohibitory orders were in place in Sandeshkhali. Soon, an altercation broke out between the police and BJP workers. Majumdar then climbed on the top of the bonnet of a police car and started shouting slogans. However, he fell unconscious and fell from the car.
A day ago, Majumdar was detained by police for staging a sit-in outside the Basirhat SP’s office after he was not allowed to visit Sandeshkhali where residents have been protesting against local TMC leaders. Majumdar was later released.
Meanwhile, the BJP accused the police of manhandling Majumdar. “Sukanta Majumdar is also an Hon’ble Member of the Parliament. (CM) Mamata Banerjee’s police should hang their heads in shame for manhandling him. I condemn this misuse of power. The police, which are nothing less than the ruling party cadre, have crossed all limits,” Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Suvendu Adhikari said.
“Today, attempts were made to hurt Sukanta Majumdar as he has been protesting against the TMC’s reign of terror in Sandeshkhali,” another BJP leader Jagannath Chattopadhyay said.
The BJP has announced to demonstrate outside the office of Deputy Commissioner of Police in Kolkata Thursday to protest against the “attack”.
Reacting to the BJP’s claims, the TMC said Majumdar was “staging a drama”. “Maybe he (Majumdar) has understood that his tenure as an MP will soon come to an end and therefore, he wants to turn to show business. He wants to become an actor and it is evident from today’s stunt,” TMC leader Santanu Sen said.