A 35-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly killed his wife and was seen dancing with her head in a park in Purba Medinipur district on Wednesday, police said. The man, Gautam Guchhait, is a resident of Chistipur village of Patashpur in Purba Medinipur district, they added. Incidentally, Guchhait had jumped into a lion’s enclosure at the Alipore zoo in Kolkata in 2021.
According to police, on Wednesday morning, Chistipur residents saw Guchhait dancing with a severed head and sitting on the bench of a park. “He sat on the bench for almost 30 minutes. Local residents were too afraid to nab him, so they informed the police. We rushed to the spot and arrested him,” said police.
They also said that the man was suspected to be mentally unstable. Police said his wife Fulrani’s (27) body has been sent for post-mortem examination.
Superintendent of Police (Purba Medinipur) Soumyadwip Bhattacharya said, “Guchhait was arrested after the incident. The severed head and the body were sent for post-mortem examination. We will be able to know the motive behind the murder only after a detailed investigation. Prima facie, we suspect a family dispute might be the cause of the murder.”
On March 18, 2021, Guchhait had sustained injuries on his right leg, shoulders and waist after he jumped into the enclosure of a lion at the Alipore zoo.
According to eyewitnesses, Guchait bought a ticket for the zoo and wandered around before stopping in front of the lion enclosure. At 11 am, he scaled the enclosure wall and jumped over two mesh fences. The lion, which was outside its cage, tried to drag him, but he was rescued in time by the zoo officials as eyewitnesses raised an alarm.