The West Bengal Police on Saturday arrested Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader and North 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad member Shiba Prasad Hazra, against whom a section of women of Sandeshkhali had lodged a complaint of sexual harassment.
The development comes on a day when the police added IPC Sections 376D (gang rape) and 307 (attempt to murder) against Hazra and former TMC leader Uttam Sardar, who was arrested last week. The gang rape section was added based on a complaint by a woman and after she recorded her statement before a magistrate.
Basirhat Superintendent of Police Hossain Mehedi Rehman said, “Shiba Prasad Hazra has been arrested from the Nazat police station area in Sandeshkhali. He will be produced before a court tomorrow (Sunday).”
Hazra, TMC’s Sandeshkhali Block II president, was in the eye of a storm after women in Sandeshkhali raised several allegations against him, including sexual harassment.
Both Sardar and Hazra are close aides of absconding TMC leader Sheikh Shahjahan, who was allegedly behind the attack on an Enforcement Directorate (ED) team on January 5 when it was on its way to conduct raids at Shahjahan’s residence.
Reacting to the development, TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said, “Shibu (Shiba Prasad) Hazra has been arrested. The Mamata Banerjee government has performed raj dharma. However, the arrest does not prove that all such allegations against him are true. The Opposition is trying to politicise the issue by raising several complaints. Now everything will be clear once and for all.”