West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose on Tuesday visited Chopra in Uttar Dinajpur district where four children, aged between five and 12, died allegedly after soil caved in during drainage expansion work near the India-Bangladesh border. It was alleged that the incident took place due to the negligence of the Border Security Force (BSF) as the construction work was carried out by them.
Governor Bose took a train to Kishanganj on Monday and further reached the spot by road on Tuesday. He spoke to the victim’s family members to get details of the February 12 incident.
Expressing solidarity, the Governor said necessary measures would be taken immediately to ensure justice. “I have spoken to them, necessary measures will be taken immediately and this matter will be reported to the Union Home Ministry. The matter will also be brought to the attention of the constitutional colleague Chief Minister. From what I have seen and heard here, we will try to solve this problem together. We will ensure justice. They will be protected in every way. They are not orphans, they are not alone.”
The death of the four children, however, recently took a political turn after the ruling Trinamool government in the state targeted the BSF for the mishap. A team of Trinamool Congress leaders had met Bose at the Raj Bhavan, earlier, demanding an investigation into the mishap and had also urged the Governor to visit Chopra.
“We had urged the Governor to visit Chopra after his visit to Sandeshkhali. We will take a detailed report,” said TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh.
State minister Chandrima Bhattacharya, who visited Chopra on Monday to meet the grieving families, said her visit was based on the instructions of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The minister also accused the BSF of being responsible for the incident.