The police Friday claimed to have arrested “a local BJP leader” along with 10 others on charges of running a sex racket in a hotel in West Bengal’s Howrah district, while the state’s main opposition party denied any association with the accused individuals.
According to police officials, Sabyasachi Ghosh, whom they claimed as a local BJP leader, along with his 10 associates, was apprehended during a police raid at a hotel on Thursday evening.
In a statement, the BJP denied any association with the accused, labelling the arrest as a “desperate attempt” by the police to deflect attention from alleged incidents of sexual abuse in Sandeshkhali, where women have accused TMC leaders of the offence.
“During the police raid, two minor girls and four women were rescued from the hotel owned by Sabyasachi Ghosh. The four women were taken to Liluah Home and the two minors to the Child Welfare Committee. The arrested people had been running the sex racket by bringing in girls and women to the hotel,” a police official said.
“The investigation is still on. We are waiting for more leads,” the police officer said.
TMC state youth wing President Sayani Ghosh posted “BJP is working overtime to malign Mamata Banerjee’s image. The same BJP’s Howrah Kisan Morcha Secretary Sabyasachi Ghosh has been arrested from a hotel for running a prostitution racket involving minor girls.”
Senior BJP leader Rahul Sinha claimed that the TMC is trying to weave a narrative to show the BJP in poor light which will have no takers.