• Moisture from Bay likely to cause thundershowers this week: Met
    Times of India | 4 March 2024
  • Kolkata: Moisture incursions from the Bay of Bengal are likely to cause two separate spells of scattered thundershowers in the city on Monday and Wednesday, said the met office on Sunday.

    The combination of a high pressure area in the Bay along with western disturbances from northwest India is likely to increase the chances of mild showers in the city. “Since the systems are local, rainfall may only be mild and scattered. However, clouding is likely to increase substantially over the region by Monday, possibly bringing heavier downpour to city’s neighbouring districts,” said Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) director, G K Das.

    A recent IMD outlook for March predicted above normal rainfall for the region, including Bengal.

    Kolkata typically receives 33 to 35 mm of rainfall every March. The week’s rainfall is also likely to curb the temperature this week. While the maximum temperature was capped at 31.5°C last week, it is unlikely to climb past the 32°C mark next week. On the other hand, between Saturday and Sunday, the minimum temperature jumped up four notches to 24.5°C from 20.5°C.

    “Easterly winds from the Bay at night has pushed the mercury up,” added Das. Both the maximum and minimum temperature are unlikely to change significantly, remaining close to 31° and 24°C respectively, next week.
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