Days after tendering his resignation as Calcutta High Court judge, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay (retd) on Thursday joined the BJP in Kolkata. The former high court judge, who had several run-ins with the TMC government for almost two years now following his orders and judgements, was inducted into the party by BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar, Leader of Opposition in state Assembly Suvendu Adhikari, party’s Bengal observer Mangal Pandey, and other state leaders.
Soon after joining the BJP, Gangopadhyay said, “Today I have entered into a new world where people like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and other leaders are present. I will try my best to shoulder whatever responsibility the party will give me”.
“Our prime objective is to remove a corrupt government from Bengal and ensure that the foundation for its ouster is made in this Lok Sabha polls. It pains me to see that Bengal is continuously going backwards. There is a need for the BJP to come to power in Bengal. There is a need to put up a serious fight against the state government,” he added.
On Tuesday, Gangopadhyay had submitted his resignation to President Droupadi Murmu, copies of which were sent to Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud and Calcutta High Court Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam. Later, he held a press meeting at his Salt Lake residence where he expressed his desire to join the BJP.
After inducting Roy into the party, BJP Balurghat MP Sukanta Majumdar said, “Today, it is a historic moment in Bengal politics. Former Justice of Calcutta High Court Abhijit Gangopadhyay joined our party today. Although officially he is no longer a justice, in people’s hearts and minds, he will always remain a judge who has always provided justice to them. In the days to come, he will be made to take part in electoral politics”.
Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari said, “He never compromised and fought for the rights of the people, especially for the youth and job seekers. We welcome him to the party. In today’s political scenario in Bengal, there is a need to have a person like him. Before joining our party today, he took blessings from Union Home Minister Amit Shah. With him in the party, we feel that the real parivartan (change) will come in Bengal”.
With the orders that he passed and the repeated run-ins with the West Bengal government, Justice Gangopadhyay, who had been a High Court judge since May 2018, has been grabbing headlines.