West Bengal BJP MLA Mukut Mani Adhikari on Thursday joined the Trinamool Congress (TMC) during Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s rally on the eve of Women’s Day, saying that the people of his constituency “have been deprived” in the last five years.
The development comes at a time when senior West Bengal political leader Tapas Roy and former Calcutta High Court judge Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay have joined the BJP.
Hailing from the Matua community, Adhikari was elected as an MLA from Ranaghat-Dakshin constituency in Nadia district in the 2021 Assembly elections. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, he was announced as the BJP candidate from Ranaghat Lok Sabha constituency. Later, however, his name was cancelled and BJP leader Jagannath Sarkar’s name was announced instead. Sarkar was elected MP from Ranaghat.
After joining the TMC, Adhikari said, “I need development of Nadia district as well as development of Ranaghat. People of Nadia have been deprived in the last five years. That is why I joined the TMC.”
Sarkar said Adhikari’s exit would not affect the BJP. “He never took politics seriously. His only target was to be an MP. That should not be one’s political aim. He is also not popular among the Matua community. So, his exit will not affect BJP,” Sarkar said.
A BJP source alleged that Adhikari went to Delhi to seek a Lok Sabha ticket but when the attempt failed, he joined TMC.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari wrote in a post on X, “Look who is walking in the TMC Procession alongside Bhaipo, to observe International Women’s Day !!! Mukutmani Adhikari – Ranaghat South MLA. He was accused of Domestic Violence by his Wife. The FIR was filed by his Wife on the 11th day of their marriage. Certainly qualifies as the ‘Poster Boy’ of TMC’s Rally to honour Women.”