PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi will visit northern West Bengal on Saturday, which will be his third trip to the state this month. During the visit, the PM will unveil infrastructure projects worth more than Rs 4,500 crore in Siliguri, the largest city in the region, and then address a BJP rally.
The PM will inaugurate multiple projects of railway line electrification that would benefit the people of northern West Bengal and nearby areas, an official statement said.
These railway lines are the Eklakhi-Balurghat section, Barsoi-Radhikapur section, Raninagar Jalpaiguri-Haldibari section, Siliguri-Aluabari section via Bagdogra, and the Siliguri–Sivok–Alipurduar Junction–Samuktala section, it said. He will also inaugurate the doubling of the railway line in the Manigram-Nimtita section and automatic block signalling in the Ambari-Falakata-Aluabari section.
The PM will also flag off a new passenger train service between Siliguri and Radhikapur, it said.
These projects will improve rail connectivity, facilitate freight movement and contribute to employment generation and economic growth in the region, the statement said. The PM will also inaugurate two national highway projects worth Rs 3,100 crore in West Bengal.
“After the government programme, the PM will be addressing a rally in Siliguri’s Kawakhali Ground,” a BJP leader said.