West Bengal BJP MP Kunar Hembram has quit the party ahead of Lok Sabha polls, citing personal reasons. Hembram is the MP from Jhargram and the development comes days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to hold a public meeting in the tribal-dominated former Maoist hotbed in the state.
Speaking to the media on Saturday, Hembram said he has already informed the party about his decision. “Due to personal reasons, I want to quit the party. I have no desire to join any other party. I am engaged in other social work. I will continue to serve the people through such initiatives,” the engineer-turned-politician said.
Sources, however, said that the BJP was not keen to nominate him from the Jhargram constituency this time.
PM Modi is likely to hold a public meeting in Jhargram on March 11.
Earlier, Mukut Mani Adhikari, the BJP MLA from Ranaghat Dakshin Assembly seat, joined the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and party MP John Barla expressed his displeasure after he was not nominated from his Alipurduar constituency.
Reacting to the development, BJP state spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya said, “He has already informed BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar that he cannot continue due to personal reasons. It has nothing to do with Lok Sabha polls. It is certain that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will once again deliver his speech from Red Fort on August 15. Therefore, developments like these will not impact the party’s prospects in the Lok Sabha polls.”
The TMC, however, slammed the BJP over the recent development. “This is just the beginning. More such developments will take place in the days to come. Their own party workers have protested against leaders such as Subhas Sarkar, Dilip Ghosh and Sukanta Majumdar. Those who want the development of West Bengal cannot remain with the BJP,” said senior party leader Santanu Sen.