The West Bengal government on Saturday transferred Biswajit Shanpui, the officer-in-charge of Sandeshkhali police station, amid the ongoing furore over allegations of sexual abuse and land grabbing against local TMC leaders.
Gopal Sarkar, who previously served as OC in the Basirhat police district, has been appointed as Shanpui’s replacement.
Police authorities, however, described the transfers as routine administrative actions, noting a reorganisation of additional officials in the district.
On March 1, the state government removed two officers from the Basirhat police district, following the arrest of TMC leader Shajahan Sheikh.
Sheikh, a key accused in sexual assault and land grab cases in Sandeshkhali, had been on the run for 55 days.
Sheikh was arrested by the West Bengal Police in connection with the attack on ED officials at Sandeshkhali on January 5, following which the state government handed over the case to the CID. On Wednesday, the CBI obtained custody of Sheikh from the West Bengal CID, following orders by the Calcutta High Court.
The Sandeshkhali region, situated on the fringes of the Sunderbans, had been engulfed in turmoil for over a month due to allegations against Sheikh and his associates of sexual abuse and land usurpation. The area falls under the jurisdiction of Basirhat police district.