West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday hit out at her brother Babun Banerjee during a press conference and said that she was disowning him, hours after he objected to footballer-turned-politician Prasun Banerjee being re-nominated by the Trinamool Congress from the Howrah Lok Sabha seat.
“Oke poribar er sadshya bole ami mone kori na. Sob samparka ched. Aaj theke oke ami tajjo korlam (I do not consider him to be part of my family. I break all relations with him. From today, I disown him),” an angry Mamata said in Siliguri when asked about Babun’s remarks to the media on Wednesday morning. Babun is the youngest of Mamata Banerjee’s five brothers.
“I work with crores of people in my party. I have nothing called family. ‘Maa Mati Manush’ is my family. In terms of blood relations, I have a family of 32 members. But no one is like him. Everyone is unhappy with him,” Mamata said.
“I am saying this directly. Those who consider themselves big in a short time, their greed also increases. I don’t practise dynasty politics. I did not like that person whom you named, but had to tolerate him so far. But not anymore. Anyone can fight elections from anywhere. We will stand by our party candidate. He has forgotten his childhood. He was two-and-a-half years old when our father died. We brought him up with much hardship,” Mamata added.
Earlier, Babun said that he “cannot accept” Prasun Banerjee being re-nominated. “I have been with the party for a long time. I cannot accept this. Prasun Banerjee should not be a party candidate. He is the wrong choice for the Howrah seat. Many capable people were overlooked when the party chose him for Howrah. A person who cannot pass Class 5… you are allowing him graduation. People of Howrah will also not accept him,” Babun said. “I do not know what the party will do. I am sure Didi will not accept it too. But if needed, I will contest against him as an Independent in Howrah,” he added.