The BJP on Monday filed a complaint with the Election Commission on alleged Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violation against Kolkata mayor Firhad Hakim for announcing compensation for those affected by the the Garden Reach house collapse incident.
In a letter to Chief Electoral Officer of West Bengal Ariz Aftab, the BJP said sought “exemplary steps” against Hakim, who is also senior TMC leader and state minister.
“With not even 48 hours having elapsed since the operation of Model Code of Conduct, TMC MLA from 158 AC Kolkata Port, Minister in the West Bengal Government and the Mayor of KMC Shri Firhad Hakim has blatantly violated the MCC,” read the letter sent to the CEO by BJP leader Shishir Bajoria.
“In a very tragic incident, an illegal building collapsed in Metiabruz KMC Ward 134 killing two, injuring more than 20. Shri Firhad Hakim rushed to the spot and in complete disregard to the MCC announced compensation of Rs 5 lakh for the deceased and Rs 1 lakh for the injured, on behalf of the West Bengal government,” it said.
At least nine people have been killed in Garden Reach area on Monday after an under-construction building collapsed on shanties.
“While we have no objection to the compensation being announced, in-fact it is a fit case of a higher compensation to be given by the State Government, the announcement should have been made by the Chief Secretary or any bureaucrat of the Government, certainly not by a political leader of the ruling TMC who also is the local MLA,” read the letter.