Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers Friday alleged that they were manhandled by BJP members after they held a demonstration outside the party’s office against the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by Enforcement Directorate (ED). Around noon, a group of AAP workers started a demonstration outside the BJP office at Muralidhar Sen Lane. The protesters raised slogans against the BJP-led Centre for arresting the AAP chief in connection with a money laundering case linked to an excise policy.
As the AAP workers were shouting slogans, BJP activists came out of the party office and started raising counter-slogans. As the tension escalated, the two sides allegedly got into a scuffle. The policemen present at the spot intervened and brought the situation under control.
AAP workers alleged that some of its women members were manhandled by the BJP activists. AAP also filed a complaint at the Jorasanko police station over the incident. “The BJP workers assaulted us and hit us with sticks. Our women members were manhandled,” said an AAP worker.
Meanwhile, 30 AAP workers were detained by the police for staging the protest.The BJP, on the other hand, accused AAP supporters of hurling abuses at senior leaders. “They were not AAP workers but TMC members disguised as AAP activists who came here to protest,” said a BJP worker.
AAP West Bengal chief spokesperson Arnab Maitra said, “Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest is an attack on democracy. The BJP is trying to hijack the Lok Sabha elections by arresting one of the most popular Opposition Leaders in the country.”