Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday telephoned BJP’s Basirhat candidate Rekha Patra, one of the protesters against alleged sexual harassment of women and incidents of land-grabbing in Sandeshkhali by a section of Trinamool Congress leaders, and called her “shakti swaroopa”, a manifestation of power.
During the nearly nine-minute-long conversation, Patra, who is in her thirties, told the PM that she has not voted since 2011 (when the TMC came to power in West Bengal) as they could not participate in the elections but now wanted all the women of Sandeshkhali to exercise their franchise freely.
“I am one of the unfortunate women from Sandeshkhali. Not only Sandeshkhali but the women of the entire Bashirhat area faced atrocities. The culprits have been arrested and we want them punished. We want to cast our votes in an environment of safety. We want all mothers and sisters of Sandeshkhali to be allowed to freely cast their vote,” said Patra.
Reassuring her, Modi said, “You are going to carry out an important responsibility. I am sure your words will reach the Election Commission which will make arrangements for free and fair polls. I hope the EC understands your pain that you could not vote since 2011.”
The Prime Minister added, “I am sure your words will reach the Election Commission which will make arrangements for free and fair polls… I would hope EC understands your pain that you could not vote since 2011.”
To this, Patra replied, “You are like God .. it seems like Ramji (Lord Ram) is in front of me.”
When Modi asked what was the response of people after her name was announced, Patra said, “ I am happy ..Even some TMC women (supporters of TMC) accepted me. They sent messages through video calls and apologised. I have no enmity with them. I will work for them too.”
Modi responded by saying, “I feel the BJP did a good job by announcing you a candidate. It is good that you will fight for the rights of TMC supporters also. I got to know that the people of Basirhat are showering their blessings and love on you.”
Patra said, “I feel I will get all the support and will be able to work for people (of Bashirhat). We work hard to run our family. My husband works in Chennai. There is no work here. I will try to ensure that people do not have to go outside the state in search of work.”
Modi said, “You have raised the issue of the women of Sandeshkhali before the entire country. You have sent very powerful people to jail. I see your courage. You have great confidence. You are ‘shakti swaroopa’. I am sure you will win and reach Delhi (Parliament).”
“I have the support of mothers and sisters here and with their support I will move ahead,” she said.
Modi urged her by saying, “I request you to ensure the BJP government’s (at Centre) programmes reach all. Many Central projects and programmes were thwarted by the Bengal government. You tell people how the TMC government is engaged in corruption and even changing the names of Central projects.”