Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a telephonic conversation with the BJP’s Krishnanagar candidate for the Lok Sabha elections, “Rajmata” Amrita Roy, said he is exploring legal options to return the money seized by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) during raids in West Bengal to the poor. He also claimed that the amount seized by the central agency from West Bengal is Rs 3,000 crore.
Modi’s telephonic conversation with Roy came after he spoke to BJP’s Basirhat candidate Rekha Patra. Patra is one of the protestors of Sandeshkhali. While speaking to Patra, Modi had said, “You have raised the issue of the women of Sandeshkhali before the entire country. You have sent a very powerful person (Sheikh Shahjahan) to jail. I see your courage. You have great confidence. You are ‘shakti swaroopa’. I am sure you will win and reach Delhi (Parliament).”
After the Prime Minister’s call to the two candidates of West Bengal, Trinamool Congress (TMC) attacked Modi. TMC minister Sashi Panja said, “Did the Prime Minister ever speak to any woman who was assaulted in Manipur? Prime Minister never called anyone boxer who accused Brij Bhushan of sexual harassment. The Prime Minister never called any victim of Hathras or Lakhimpur-kheri.”
West Bengal will vote in all the seven phases of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections 2024.