West Bengal minister Udayan Guha has alleged that his car was attacked by BJP workers late on Sunday evening in the Ghugumari area as he was travelling from Dinhata to Cooch Behar town, prompting the Trinamool Congress (TMC) to lash out against the BJP’s “penchant for violence” ahead of the first phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Guha, meanwhile, alleged that Union Minister Nisith Pramanik was behind the unprovoked attack meant to “disturb peace” ahead of the polls.
In a post on X, the TMC said on Sunday, “Our Minister and MLA Shri @UdayanTMC was on his way from Dinhata to Cooch Behar after a meeting with the District President when his car was attacked and his attendant was mercilessly thrashed by a group of @NisithPramanik-backed BJP hoodlums. As the elections draw near, @BJP4India’s penchant for violence becomes all the more evident. We urge the @ECISVEEP to take necessary measures against such repeated acts of HOOLIGANISM by BJP’s hired goons!”
Speaking to reporters, North Bengal Development Minister Guha said the unprovoked attack was orchestrated by Union Minister Nisith Pramanik. “It was planned and orchestrated by the Union Minister. This was done to deliberately create tension in the area and to disturb the peace ahead of the election. This is nothing but hooliganism,” said Guha.
Following the incident, local TMC leader Partha Pratim Roy sought Pramanik’s arrest and said a complaint will be lodged before the Election Commission against the Cooch Behar MP. The constituency in north Bengal goes to poll in the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections on April 19.
The BJP, meanwhile, denied the allegations and claimed that the attack on Guha’s convoy was a result of factional fights within the TMC. “Udyan Guha is a criminal, who Mamata Banerjee has elevated to a Cabinet Minister. The attack on his car, as alleged, in all probability is handiwork of internecine rivalry between TMC factions, who want a share of the loot, during elections. BJP has nothing to do with it. You reap as you sow!,” the saffron party said in a post on X.
In a video message, Pramanik said, “Udayan Guha has time and again tried to attack me with his goons. You reap what you sow. Our workers were not involved in this. Guha is trying to create lawlessness in the area. The people will give him a befitting reply in this election. As TMC is losing its grip ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, it is resorting to such tactics.”
Pramanik is contesting the election against TMC’s Jagadish Chandra Barma Basunia.
The rivalry between Guha and Pramanik has kept Cooch Behar’s Dinhata on edge ever since the latter became a BJP MP in the previous general election. Last week, the TMC called a 24-hour bandh to protest against the alleged clash between the supporters of Guha and Pramanik in Dinhata. Although the bandh was called off in the afternoon, the tension in the area remained.