West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday met the families affected by a heavy storm that wreaked havoc in Jalpaiguri a day before, leaving at least five persons dead, and issued directions to the district administration to conduct a survey on the damage to property.
The number of those injured has reached more than 100 and nearly 200 people have been rendered homeless, officials said. Several hutments and houses were damaged, trees uprooted and electric poles came crashing down as strong winds accompanied by hail struck most parts of the district headquarters and many areas of neighbouring Mainaguri on Sunday.
Addressing the media outside the Jalpaiguri district hospital, the CM on Sunday night said, “The administration must stand by the people in this hour of need. We are aware of the damage that has happened. The biggest damage is the loss of lives. The rescue operations are over.”
From Jalpaiguri, the CM on Monday went to Alipurduar in a chopper to visit the storm-affected areas. She reached Chalsa where she interacted with the families staying in a relief camp.
“Houses were completely destroyed. People were not able to retrieve anything from their houses when the storm took place. They have lost everything and are staying here at the relief camp at Tapsikhata school. Though the MCC is in place, this is an emergency and should be treated as exceptional case. The administration can take measures for assistance in the case of any disaster. Our government is here. I will ask the administration to conduct a survey to assess the loss of lives and property,” said Banerjee.
Thanking the administration for initiating timely measures and setting up relief camps, Banerjee said, “I thank the MP, MLAs, local pradhans, upapradhans, and zila parishads and I request them to help people. Cooch Behar is situated nearby. I do not think Alipurduar was affected as much. I will request the administration to make necessary arrangements,” she said.
Minister Aroop Biswas will be sent on Tuesday to visit the relief camp in Kumargram, she said.
Meanwhile, Governor CV Ananda Bose also visited the affected areas and called the loss of life and property “unfortunate”. He said, “There was loss of lives. Many are injured. I have spoken to the department concerned. Everyone is working together to deal with the situation. I will take stock of the situation. I will do whatever is possible. The incident is very unfortunate. Everyone is working together in this.”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah who expressed concern on the calamity, posted on X, “I have spoken to the Chief Minister and assured all possible assistance.”