• RB Avenue stalls eat into pedestrians’ space
    Times of India | 8 April 2024
  • Kolkata: Even after Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has drawn a yellow line along Rashbehari Avenue to earmark vending zones on pavements, violation of the two-third rule in the surrounding areas of Lake Market continues to cause inconvenience to pedestrians. While some hawkers have restricted themselves to the one-third space designated by the civic body, several traders were found encroaching on the pavement with their wares or extended portions of shops.

    The street vending rules of the state say vendors will have to stay within one-third width of the pavement while the remaining space will be kept free for pedestrians. KMC officials said they will take action against those traders whose shops occupy pedestrians’ passageway.

    TOI surveyed the pavements on both sides of the 700m stretch between Deshapriya Park and Lake Market and found that shop and stalls are encroaching on the two-third space marked for pedestrians with hanging garments, flowers, utensils, makeup and other items. Locals said the KMC drive to streamline vendors along Rashbehari Avenue has not made any significant difference in the area.

    Siddhartha Manna, a businessman who lives on Parasar Road, close to the mall, said, “The shops and makeshift stalls selling flowers and snacks create bottlenecks that force us to walk down the road during peak hours. The traders whose stalls are small use the pavement to keep their belongings. The civic body needs to take an action so that people will get their pavement back for walking.”

    “It is difficult to move through the encroachments in the evening when this area is very congested. Traders have taken control of the pavement near the crossing of Parasar Road and Rashbehari Avenue opposite Lake Mall, so we hardly get any space to move. The issue calls for the civic body’s attention,” said Panchali Adhikary, a Chetla resident who came to Lake Market on Saturday evening.

    Asit Kumar Saha, a town vending committee (TVC) member, told TOI, “We have pushed the hawkers into one-third space of the pavement. We have inspected the area from our end and found that hawkers are adhering to the rule. But some traders running shops or stalls are obstructing the pedestrians’ movement with their belongings. We have already submitted a report to the civic body in this regard.”

    A KMC official said, “We are identifying the shops, the extended portions of which are encroaching on the pavement along Rashbehari Avenue. First, we will warn those traders and ask them to remove the encroachment. If they don’t comply, we will take necessary action against them.”
  • Link to this news (Times of India)