The BJP Wednesday alleged that the minor son of one of its panchayat members had been kidnapped in South 24 Parganas’ Diamond Harbour area and accused the local police of not cooperating with the family of the child. Police have denied the charge. Claiming that TMC was “pressuring” its panchayat member, Koushik Khara, to join the ruling party, the BJP demanded immediate removal of local police station in-charge.
BJP leader Shankudev Panda said that Khara’s minor son went missing on April 1 but when he went to Nodakhali police station to get a complaint registered, the police turned them away.
ASP (Diamond Harbor) Rupantar Sengupta said, “During investigation, we have not received any allegation of kidnapping.” Reacting to the BJP leaders allegations, he said, “The case was registered on April 1st and on 2nd, the parents were questioned at the police station during which the investigating officer and IC were also present.”