A political war of words erupted in West Bengal on Friday after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) announced that it had arrested two prime suspects in the Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case from the state. While the BJP attacked the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government, saying the state had become a “safe haven for terrorists”, Mamata Banerjee hit back, praising the “prompt response” by the state police.
“NIA detains two chief suspects in the Rameshwaram Cafe blast, Mussavir Hussain Shazib and accomplice Abdul Matheen Ahmed Taahaa, from Kolkata. Both likely belong to ISIS cell in Shivamogga, Karnataka. West Bengal, unfortunately, under Mamata Banerjee, has become a safe haven for terrorists,” BJP leader Amit Malviya said in a post on X.
Mussavir Hussain Shazib and Adbul Matheen Taha were arrested from Purba Medinipur district on Friday for their alleged involvement in the blast at the Bengaluru cafe on March 1 that left nine people injured.
Responding to Malviya’s post, the West Bengal Police put out a message on their official X handle, highlighting that it was a joint operation. “Falsehood at its worst! Contrary to the claims made by @amitmalviya, the fact is that, two suspects in the Rameshwaram Cafe blast case have been arrested from Purba Medinipur in a JOINT operation by the West Bengal Police and the Central Intelligence Agencies,” it said.
“West Bengal has NEVER been a safe haven for terrorists and the state police will continue to remain ever-vigilant in keeping its people safe from nefarious activities. The proactive role of WBP in the matter has been officially acknowledged by the Central Agencies,” the post added.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee also hit back, saying the BJP did not like the fact that the people in the state “wanted to live in peace”. “Heard one BJP leader (Child) saying that Bengal is not safe. The accused who were hiding here for two hours and within two hours they were arrested due to a prompt response by our State police. What about States where you are in power? What about Uttar Pradesh Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat, Bihar? People of Bengal want to live in peace but the BJP doesn’t like this,” she said.
While BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar claimed that Bengal was the “epicentre of all terror activities” and had become “a hindrance in national security”, TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh congratulated the West Bengal Police and alleged that it was a BJP leader’s family that was running illegal activities from Contai in Purba Medinipur district.
“Well done @WBPolice in connection with the Bengaluru-cafe blast arrest. Even @NIA_India has acknowledged it in their statements. Any anti-forces should be strictly dealt with. But let me ask to @BJP4India and their minions – where is this arrests made from? KANTHI We all know which family and BJP’s main leader runs illegal activities from Contai. I urge the State agencies to investigate into this matter to find out that FAMILY’s links in providing shelter to ANTI-FORCES,” Ghosh said in a post on X.