• Inspired by children, Jain couple donates Rs 200 crore to become monks
    আজকাল | ১৬ এপ্রিল ২০২৪
  • A wealthy Jain couple from Gujarat has given away Rs 200 crore as donation to embrace monkhood and now plans to embark on a journey of salvation. Bhavesh Bhandari and his wife gave away all their possessions in a formal ceremony in February and are all set to adopt an ascetic life later this month.People from their community said that they had followed the footsteps of their 19-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son who too adopted lives of renunciation in 2022. The couple, from Himmatnagar, will take a pledge on April 22 and will then have to cut ties with their families and ‘materialistic objects’, following which they will walk barefoot across India and survive only on alms. However, the couple will be allowed to carry only two white garments, a bowl for alms and a white broom that Jain monks use to brush insects away from an area before they sit – a move that signifies non-violence in Jainism. The Bhandari couple, known for their immense wealth, has garnered significant attention nationwide for their bold decision. Along with them, 35 others also donated all their possessions such as mobile phones, ACs and other valuable items to survive on asceticism. Bhavesh Bhandari belongs to an affluent family in Sabarkantha and worked in a construction industry. He managed his construction projects in Sabarkantha and Ahmedabad. 
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