The Calcutta High Court on Monday granted permission to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Anjani Putra Sena to take out Ram Navami processions in West Bengal’s Howrah under certain conditions.
A single-judge bench of Justice Jay Sengupta observed that Ram Navami processions should not have more than 200 participants. It also barred the display of any weapon during the processions and added that only one vehicle carrying the idol of Lord Ram could be used in a rally. Raising provocative slogans and using disc jockeys have been banned too.
The Court has also asked the two organisers to take out their rallies on separate days. The VHP will hold the procession on April 17, while Anjani Putra Sena has been asked to organise the Ram Navami procession on April 21.
The police had earlier asked the organisers to change the route of the procession this year owing to the fear of the recurrence of violence like last year.
Reacting to the order, Niraj Agarwal of Anjani Putra Sena said, “The Court has granted the permission but it has changed the date to April 21. We will be taking out the procession from Narasimha Temple near Avani Mall to Howrah Metro via PM Basti.”
Whereas Bajrang Dal Howrah Pramukh Ravi Chowdhury said, “It is sad that for a simple procession, we had to knock on the Court’s door. We welcome the Court’s order and the procession will be taken out as per the direction of the Court.”
West Bengal has witnessed a sharp rise in Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti-related events in recent years. Several communal incidents have also been reported in the state over the last few years during Ram Navami events. Last year, too, violence was reported in Hooghly and Howrah districts.
The Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government has already declared Ram Navami (April 17) as a public holiday in the state.