The BJP on Tuesday announced its Lok Sabha candidate for the Diamond Harbour Lok Sabha constituency, held by TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee. The BJP named party old-timer Abhijit Das, the former South 24 Parganas district president, from Diamond Harbour against Banerjee.
Earlier, the party had fielded its candidates in all 42 Lok Sabha constituencies in Bengal except in Diamond Harbour as the leadership was undecided about who would take on Trinamool Congress number two Abhishek Banerjee.
While Abhishek Banerjee, the two-time MP from the Diamond Harbour seat considered a TMC stronghold, is contesting the election to win the constituency for the third straight term, the Left Front has fielded Pratik Ur Rahman, a youth leader.
By fielding Das, the party will use his experience as a leader in the South 24 Parganas district. Das, known as Bobby Da among party workers, is considered a prominent face of the party in South 24 Parganas district where the BJP is on a weaker foot.
In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Das, who has a RSS background, had contested from Diamond Harbour as a Bharatiya Janata Party candidate and came third. He also held various positions in the auto and workers unions and the Indian Railways.
In 2018, Das was reportedly attacked and his car was vandalised in Diamond Harbour. Das, who sustained head injuries, alleged that Trinamool Congress workers were behind the attack.
Diamond Harbour goes to poll on June 1 in the final phase of the Lok Sabha election 2024 in West Bengal.