The Met department on Wednesday issued a heatwave alert for various districts in West Bengal witnessing rise in temperature. Chief Secretary BP Gopalika, in a virtual meeting at Nabanna on Tuesday, said the control room of each district has been asked to take necessary measures.
The state administration has asked the district administration to arrange drinking water trucks in areas dealing with water scarcity. It was decided to send drinking water pouch packets to villages facing water issues, in case water trucks are unable to reach the areas, said sources. People have been advised to avoid sun exposure.
Several south Bengal areas on Wednesday recorded temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, with the Alipore meteorological department predicting heatwave persisting until April 21.
“From Saturday till next Monday, an orange alert for heat wave conditions has been issued… in Purab and Paschim Midnapore, Purulia, Jhargram, Bankura, Purab and Paschim Burdwan, and Birbhum. Murshidabad, Nadia are under yellow alert,” said an official.