Just three days before the election in the Darjeeling Lok Sabha constituency, the Congress on Tuesday suspended for six years Binay Tamang, who had joined the party after leaving the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha five months ago, after he openly supported BJP candidate and MP Raju Bista.
Congress sources said that Binay Tamang had joined the party hoping to get the poll ticket for Darjeeling, where the party has fielded Munish Tamang against Bista, the BJP’s sitting MP, and TMC candidate Gopal Lama.
“I am still with the Congress. But the BJP will win here. We can sense it here. We do not support Munish Tamang as none of the Congress leaders here were consulted on his candidature,” Binay Tamang said. “I extend my sincere support to BJP Darjeeling constituency candidate Raju Bista for ensuring constitutional security and justice for the people of Darjeeling Hills, Siliguri Terai and Dooars. I humbly request all my respected fellow citizens of Darjeeling Hills, Siliguri Terai, my associates, supporters, well-wishers, friends, relatives and families to cast their precious votes for the BJP candidate Raju Bista on the lotus symbol.”
After his statement, the Congress suspended him for six years. “For anti-party activity, he was suspended for six years,” Congress spokesperson Soumya Roy said.
BJP leader Amit Malviya criticised the Congress over the decision. “The Congress has expelled West Bengal Congress State General Secretary Binoy Tamang for six years, after he extended support to Raju Bista, BJP Darjeeling LS candidate, instead of the official INC candidate. How many people will Congress expel for supporting Prime Minister Modi?” he said.