West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee on Thursday criticised the Calcutta High Court order cancelling 25,000 school jobs in the state and alleged that it was a “ploy” by the BJP to stop these job losers from being deployed for poll duty.
Addressing an election rally in Medinipur Lok Sabha constituency in Paschim Medinipur district, Mamata wondered how the schools could function with so many teachers out of jobs.
“If someone has committed a mistake, it can be rectified, but snatching 25,000 jobs is gross injustice. How will the schools function, if so many teachers are out of jobs? It is a ploy by the BJP. I have respect for the judiciary but what has happened is gross injustice,” Mamata said.
“So many jobs have been taken away so that these job losers cannot be deployed in poll duty during elections and central government employees can be engaged, who will work at the behest of the saffron camp,” she added.
The BJP leaders are “taking away jobs” despite the country having the highest unemployment rate since independence, she said. “We are giving jobs; more than 10 lakhs jobs are ready. But the BJP to pursue its political agenda is taking away jobs. The administration and the teachers have moved the Supreme Court. We will support them,” she said.
Meanwhile, TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee slammed BJP MLA from Onda Amarnath Sakha who had alleged that another “59,000 jobs are on the verge of cancellation on April 30” in the state. Sakha had made the allegation while talking to reporters in Bankura district on Wednesday.
Talking to media persons in Purulia district on Thursday, Abhishek said the BJP and a section of judiciary are engaged in “fixing of orders”. “Suvendu Adhikari claimed that an explosion will take place on Monday and two things unfolded – on the said day the High Court gives an order of dismissing an entire panel where 26,000 people had to suffer while one terror-accused who wanted to attack me was held by Kolkata Police. Now again, the BJP MLA from Onda claims that on April 30, another 59,000 jobs will be dismissed,” he said
“We have heard of betting and fixing in cricket, what is happening here currently is ‘fixing of orders’ – a certain section of the judiciary and the BJP are working in tandem to make people suffer. It is pretty evident that what we have been saying is true. For example, a former judge of Calcutta High Court joined the BJP,” Abhishek said.
He also assured that the TMC will stand by all eligible candidates whose jobs were cancelled by Calcutta High Court. “…We won’t allow a single eligible person or those who got the job on merit, to be dismissed. This is nothing but the BJP and a certain section of the judiciary taking revenge from them. The court’s order has a stamp of BJP. This is condemnable,” he added.