A day after the CBI said that it had recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition from Sandeshkhali in North 24 Parganas district, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Saturday there was “no evidence” to back the claims of the central agency, and alleged that the raids were carried out “to malign the image” of her government.
Her party, the TMC, also lodged a complaint with the Election Commission, alleging that the CBI carried out an “unscrupulous raid” to tarnish the image of the party on a polling day. Three Lok Sabha seats of Darjeeling, Raiganj and Balurghat voted on Friday.
“Even if a chocolate bomb explodes in Bengal, the CBI, the NIA and NSG are sent here…as if there is a war going on here. This is a one-sided approach as the state police were not informed. Nobody knows where it was recovered from — maybe it was brought from their own cars and presented as recovered items. There is no evidence to show it was found here,” the CM said at a TMC rally in Kulti, Paschim Bardhaman district.
Claiming a blast at a BJP leader’s house in Basirhat, the chief minister hit out at the BJP.
“Even today, I heard there was an incident near Sandeshkhali. A BJP leader had stored bombs in his house. They think that they can win the election by cancelling jobs and exploding bombs. We want ‘roti, kapda, makaan’ and jobs for the people, not their lofty speeches,” the TMC supremo said.
In the complaint to the EC, the TMC said: “…Though law and order is a domain falling within the ambit of the state, the CBI did not issue an actionable notice to the state government and/or the police authorities before the raid.”