Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday slammed the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government over the law and order situation in West Bengal and accused it of not taking action against rioters. CM Adityanath addressed election rallies in Asansol in support of BJP candidate S S Ahluwalia, in Birbhum for party candidateDebtanu Bhattacharya and at Berhampore in Murshidabad district in support of BJP candidate Nirmal Kumar Saha.
As he compared the law and order situation in West Bengal with that in UP, before BJP came to power, he said, “West Bengal also needs a model like UP.”
Claiming that there has not been any communal tension or curfew in Uttar Pradesh in the last seven years during his tenure as CM, Adityanath said that, “Earlier, UP was known for regular riots and curfews. But in the last seven years, there has been not even a single event of riot or curfew there. Everyone in UP, including a common man is safe…The law and order situation in West Bengal now is exactly what it used to be in UP before.”
Taking on the TMC dispensation in West Bengal, the UP Chief Minister assured people that the perpetrators of crimes in Sandeshkhali as well as those responsible for clashes between groups of people during the Ram Navami celebrations in the state will be brought to book by the BJP.
Adityanath pointed out that UP today is completely riot-free and said, “Had this taken place in UP, I would have dealt with rioters in such a manner that their next seven generations would not have dared to even think of doing any such thing. Our strong stand against rioters has made UP totally riot-free.”
The UP CM also pointed out that polling held in the 191 Lok Sabha seats so far indicate another term for the Narendra Modi government, with 400 seats for the BJP-led NDA.
“Polling held in 191 Lok Sabha seats so far indicate, another term for the Modi government with 400 seats for NDA,” he said, adding that “Uttar Pradesh will gift all 80 Lok Sabha seats in the state to PM Modi.” — WITH PTI