The West Bengal Police on Friday said a video clip purportedly showing senior Congress leader Adhir Chowdhury urging people to “vote for the BJP” was doctored. Following the development, the West Bengal Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) also ordered action against those behind a purported video, officials said. In this connection, a separate case has been lodged at Jangipur police station which includes relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) such as 499/500 (criminal defamation) and Section 66D of the Information Technology (IT) Act 2000, a police officer said.
“Our cyber team found that a portion of the video was cropped and circulated. This was probably done to gain some political advantage during the elections. We have lodged a separate complaint with Jangipur police station,” the officer added.
Police are looking to trace the source of the video by locating its IP address, he added. “We sent the video clippings to police for investigation. After a preliminary investigation, it turned out that the video is doctored. After getting a report from the police (about the video being doctored), the CEO ordered the police to take action,” said an official of the Bengal CEO’s office.
Talking to The Indian Express, Chowdhury said, “I have given the full video to the media. Better see it and try to understand what (I was) intending to spell out. The TMC and BJP is trying to malign me but Baharampur people know me very well. I am local man and everybody know me.”
The Congress thanked the CEO’s office and the Election Commission for promptly addressing the complaint and initiating a thorough investigation. “We especially thank the Election Commission for understanding the magnitude of this case and thus taking immediate action. We have complete faith in the Constitution of India and we know that we will get the desired justice as we always follow the path of truth,” the party posted on X handle.
On Monday, the Congress had filed a complaint with the EC after a video clip purportedly showing Chowdhury seeking votes for the BJP during a public meeting in Baharampur had gone viral earlier this week.
A five-time MP, Chowdhury is seeking re-election from Baharampur Lok Sabha seat. Polling in Baharampur will be held in the fourth phase of the Lok Sabha elections. “Congress ebong bam ke jetano joruri. Congress and bam ke na jetale dhormoniropekkhota aghat pabe. Trinamool ke vote deoa mane tar theke onek bhalo BJP ke vote deoa. Tai Trinamool ar BJP ke vote deben na…. (It is necessary to elect the Left and Congress candidates. If the Congress and Left will not win, the secularism of our country will be hampered. It is better to vote for the BJP than the TMC. So, do not vote for the BJP or Trinamool Congress (TMC)),” Chowdhury could be heard in the purported video.
After the video went viral, the TMC had accused the Congress of having an “understanding with the BJP”. “He (Adhir Chowdhury) is a very good friend of the BJP. Here in West Bengal, the Congress and the CPI(Marxist) are the reliable friends of the BJP. Adhir Chowdhury has made it clear,” TMC leader Kunal Ghosh had said on Wednesday.
Congress leader Soumya Aich Roy on Friday hit out at the TMC and accused the ruling party of “shameful politics”. “After the EC investigation, it has become clear that the TMC is doing shameful politics. They just picked up one sentence of Adhir da and then it was circulated in thousands of places. But Adhir da never said these things. It is proved that they can go to any level in politics. Shame on the TMC,” Congress leader Soumya Aich Roy said.